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Employee Education Portal

Login with the username and password provided by your supervisor.



Logging in
1. Login with the username and password provided by your supervisor.
2. Upon entering a correct username/password combination you can then add your first and last name, and if available, choose your department from the dropdown menu.
3. Type your Organization/City/Employer Name field.
4. Click or tap "Start" to begin.

Viewing and completing available courses
1. Click or tap on a category button to view available courses.
2. Locate the course you’d like to complete and click or tap "Begin Course"

Completion summary – Print page
1. Upon completion of the course, you may print your screen summary as your completion certificate
2. You may return to course categories to complete additional courses. Note, that during this login session, any completed courses will no longer have the "Begin Course" button. You may log out and log back in if you’d like to complete a course again.

Results saved for admin, but not for user
1. Your supervisor can view a report of your completed courses.
Logging in
1. Login with the username and password provided by your supervisor.
2. Upon entering a correct username/password combination you will see your first and last name, and if available, associated department and organization.
3. Click or tap "Start" to begin.

Viewing available courses, completing status and completing a course
1. Click or tap on a category button to view available courses. You can also view which courses that you have completed, or not completed. 2. Locate the course you’d like to complete and click or tap "Begin Course" Completion summary – Print page
1. Upon completion of the course, you may print your screen summary as your completion certificate
2. You may return to course categories to complete additional courses.

Results saved
1. Your supervisor can view a report of your completed courses and statistics.
Also Include instructions on dashboard page when logged in… for user type. Close Instructions